Naviga Hedge Fund Series
The Hedge Fund (HF) series currently consists of the Naviga Multi-Strategy HF Portfolio. This model portfolio is
allocated to different hedge fund strategies and underlying hedge fund managers to achieve a better risk-adjusted return profile over time. The primary investment objective of the portfolio is to provide the investor with capital growth with less volatility and lower drawdowns over the long term.
The Investment Committee is constituted to ensure the delivery of appropriately structured investment portfolios on the basis of quantitative and qualitative research undertaken by Boutique Investment Partners. The Investment Committee is comprised of representatives from both Boutique Investment Partners and Efficient Group. The Investment Committee Charter governs the committee and it is specifically designed to ensure the delivery of best-of-breed investment solutions to clients. The investment team selects and monitors these portfolios on a continual basis with and annual management fee of 0.25% (excl. VAT).

The primary investment objective of the portfolio is to provide the investor with capital growth over the long term with moderate levels of volatility. This is a hedge fund portfolio that will invest in a range of underlying hedge funds with various strategies and exposures. The portfolio targets returns in excess of the ASISA South African Multi-Asset High Equity category, but at lower volatility over the medium to longer term. This portfolio will invest a maximum of 25% per any individual underlying fund, so as to ensure compliance with the hedge fund exposure criteria of Regulation 28 where the portfolio is included in a Regulation 28 compliant portfolio.
The primary investment objective of the portfolio is to provide the investor with capital growth over the long term, but at lower levels of volatility to that achieved by investing in the general equity market. This is a hedge fund portfolio that will invest in a range of underlying hedge funds with a bias towards long/ short equity strategies. The portfolio targets returns in excess of the ASISA SA Equity General category over time, but at lower volality. This portfolio will invest a maximum of 25% per any individual underlying fund, so as to ensure compliance with the hedge fund exposure criteria of Regulation 28 where the portfolio is included in a Regulation 28 compliant portfolio.